PO Box 2297
Annapolis, MD 21401


Deadline for Medicare Changes

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Did you know the deadline to make any changes to Medicare health and prescription plans for the upcoming year is December 7th?

People in a Medicare health or prescription drug plan should always review the materials their plans send them, like the “Evidence of Coverage” and “Annual Notice of Change.”  If plans are changing, you should make sure that plans still meet your needs for the following year.  Items to check would be ensuring that certain medications that you use are still covered at an affordable cost and that your preferred providers or pharmacy are still authorized.  If you are satisfied that your current plan will meet your needs for the upcoming year, you don’t have to do anything, as you will remain enrolled in the same plan.

Visit Medicare.gov or call 1-800-Medicare to get information about Medicare plans for the upcoming year.  In addition, your local Department of Aging may offer Senior Health Insurance Program counselors to assist with this process.

In Anne Arundel County the Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) may be contacted through the Department of Aging at 410-222-4464.  


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